Campfire Culture: Positive Peer Community

Clients at Legacy Treatment Center work with trained staff and clinical professionals. All group therapy, discussions, and activites are facilitated by our staff, who are constantly in communication with one another and clinical supervisors to ensure the utmost attention and care. Under the guidance of our staff, clients are also encouraged to build healthy relationships with the other clients in their group, thus building a positive and carefully curated peer culture.

It is common for young adults in treatment to have experienced trauma and attachment wounds in their relationships. Understandably, this can be an area of anxiety as they may struggle with trust issues. By developing an intentional, supportive community, our clients are not only able to learn valuable lessons from one another about the importance of recovery and mental health, but also, are invited and encouraged to have meaningful relationships with each other.

At Legacy, group members offer one another positive reinforcement, encouragement, and constructive feedback. These interpersonal skills, along with learning to build trust are essential for developing healthy relationships in the future. We find that the magic of campfire conversations are just one of the powerful interpersonal experiences that our clients carry with them from their time at Legacy.

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