Guiding Principles
Adventure and Healing:
At Legacy Treatment Center, we offer innovative and evidence-based treatment approaches that address substance abuse, mental health issues, and/or a history of trauma. Our experienced and highly trained clinical team utilizes various therapeutic modalities to meet the unique needs of each client. We understand that some clients may be less responsive to traditional psychotherapeutic interventions, which is why we offer individualized treatment plans that incorporate both clinical and holistic approaches. Our goal is to empower clients to achieve long-lasting recovery and lead fulfilling lives.
Recovery as a Way of Being:
Many of our clients are challenged with addictive tendencies and/or substance abuse issues. Our goal is to help them invest in recovery by identifying the ways these maladaptive behaviors have negatively impacted their lives and their loved ones. We work with them to develop the tools and attitudes to stay on course and to see that recovery is a way of being. Recovery is more than abstinence. We define recovery as living a meaningful, healthy, fulfilling life as an honorable and responsible adult.
Strength-based Approach:
We hold a fundamental belief in the innate goodness of our clients. One common characteristic we observe in our clients is low self-esteem. A significant piece of our therapeutic strategy is to support our clients to discover their own strengths and positive attributes. Developing newfound resiliency is one of the most powerful results of the Legacy experience. Through our lens of positive psychology, supported by the successes our clients experience in the outdoors, they discover the capacity to overcome challenges in their lives, and the gifts they have to give others.
Individual Agency
Every person has the capacity to practice good judgment and make responsible decisions. We guide our clients to thoughtfully weigh the consequences of their decisions, to not blame others for their unhealthy choices, and to take responsibility for their own attitudes, thoughts, and actions. This leads to less impulsive behavior and a strong sense of individual agency.
Honorable Adulthood
Honorable adults live their life in a way that promotes respect for self and others. They recognize that other’s needs are as important as their own needs, thus building healthy relationships and communities. Our curriculum (The Life Success Plan), is designed to help each client identify the person they want to be, recognize the changes they need to make, and work toward this new vision of themselves. In this process, they develop an intentional, respectful community grounded in awareness of self and others.
Family provides the support for lasting treatment success, including long term sobriety and mental wellness. Studies show that family involvement greatly increases the effectiveness and sustainability of treatment. We teach and practice fundamental communication and conflict resolution skills that will help move the family toward higher levels of functioning and healthy attachment.
Power of Mentoring​
Research shows that relationships are one of the most powerful agents of change. We believe in the power of mentoring, and in addition to ongoing individual therapy, we assign mentors from our guide team to every client. For young people to gain a desire to make the transition to adulthood they must see the benefits of that decision. Each client works closely with competent, caring mentors who have made the successful transition to responsible adulthood. Our mentors work closely with the clinical team and have the training and experience to help our clients navigate their treatment journey.